Monday, May 12, 2008

Don't Forget that I Won't Forget...

Tonight was my last band concert ever for my high school years. Tonight, like every year at the spring concert, the seniors get recognized for all the things they've been a part of for the past four years, related to band. I was kind of looking forward to this, being that I am a senior. My teacher started with the flutes, and I watched as she went down the line. She started at the top...Jen...Megan...and then she would call me. I prepared myself to stand, until I didn't hear my name. She had already moved onto the clarinets! It was at that moment I realized that she had forgotten me! lol! She eventually came back around and called my name realizing that she had skipped right on over me. It wasn't that big of a deal, I just laughed. It didn't really matter all that much to was a silly mistake!

But when I was packing up my flute after everything was over, the whole thing played out in my head again, and I laughed underneath my breath. It was then that I heard a little voice in the back of my head and it whispered these five sweet little words: "I will never forget you."

It was in that moment that I realized God had sent me a little hope for the day to reassure me for tomorrow. Although I wasn't feeling bad or upset at all for being "forgotten", I was still sent a sweet reminder of how much I am loved, and no matter what, I am forever written on the palm of His hand, therefore He will never forget me. I think He's always telling us that, you know? ..."Don't forget that I won't forget you..."

I just thought that was really neat.


Jessica said...

in a funny aussie accent:

"i am not forgotten. God knows my name!"

Kathi Roach said...

That is very cool Kelsey.