Saturday, January 17, 2009

My Dream

Yesterday I took a nap after my classes until dinner. I was very tired. I found myself falling into a dream. I wish I could remember all the little details because I know that there was more to it than what I can remember, but from the things I can remember, I wanted to share.

I was in this pretty big building with a bunch of other people. I remember recognizing a few individuals, but I can't remember who they were. Everyone was wearing the same colored clothing besides me and one other person. The other individual and myself were in different colored clothing from each other and from all the other people. I recall her wearing a red and white polka-dotted dress, and I think I was wearing green. Everyone was trying to figure out why we were dressed in different clothing, and why they were all dressed the same. After a while they realized it was because all the people dressed the same weren't trusting and following Jesus, even though they thought they were. I remember falling to my knees and praying for them, and as I began to pray the lady in the polka-dotted dress came up, took my hand, and kissed me on the head. Following her, each and every other person in the room did the same. As they kissed me, or made contact with me in some way, I watched as their clothing changed into their own, as if they had finally found their identity in Christ. I began to weep in my position on the floor.

That was the end of my dream as Amy woke me up for dinner, but I was just fascinated to find myself dreaming such a thing. I don't doubt it was any coincidence. I just need to keep praying. . .

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