Monday, October 22, 2007

A Psalm

This past weekend was the ALG Retreat at Summit Lake and it was so refreshing and inspiring. I loved learning, listening, being challenged, worshipping, laughing, playing...everything seemed to fall into place. I learned so much about life, about my brothers and sisters, and I couldn't get the importance of passion out of my head all weekend. It's always been so important to me that I stay passionate about everything I do for Jesus' name, and this weekend I got a bigger and better glimpse of what passion looks like. It inspired and motivated me to let out the passion I had inside. I have so many thoughts and feelings and I can't seem to explain them right now, but after replaying the weekend, I wouldn't change a single thing that happened. Saturday night we were asked to write out a psalm to God about the things on our heart in that moment and then we shared them. It was so powerful hearing all these different cries out to God. So personal, yet really encouraging. Encouraging each other in that we aren't alone in this journey. I figured I'd write out my psalm again on here. I was writing fast and I wasn't able to get all my thoughts on paper, but I know there's a reason for why I wrote this prayer in that moment. The Holy Spirit was very overpowering that night.

I feel so alive, but in a way that some wouldn't understand. My heart yearns, it longs to be with you. But the only reason for this is because of brokenness. Father, you know that in order for me to see just how much I need you--I need to be stripped of everything. That is where I find you, it's always where I've found you. My need for you in my life is so great, but I've found myself wanting you more and more. When the tears are streaming down my face and I'm crying to you. When I'm lonely, even with all these people around. When I overhear the pounding and yelling of my father's voice--the only way I can escape it is crying out to you. When I'm hurt, confused--when I don't always understand your reason behind everything. I can't always be strong, Daddy. I need your help--I need it more than ever. Give me strength to endure the pain with a joyful and triumphant heart. Give me the hope that can be spread to others. I praise you Father, even in the midst of it all, I still want to glorify your name.

"..there's no mistaken it's You.."


Jessica said...

that was beautiful kelsey.
i love the Jesus in you.
you shine so bright.

"lett your light shine" :p

it was wonderful spending the weekend with you. thank you for everything.

Lance said...

Beautiful... and real. Just like you.