Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Dancing Freely

The rain pours over everything under the sky. The winds pick up more and more as the storm goes on. As the lightening strikes, it lights up everything around you. For a split second the dark night is brightened by a simple flash of light, fooling everyone who sees it. It’s almost as though it were day for nothing longer than a second. How fascinating. The winds whistle right in my ear—and the rain hits like pellets against my window. And there’s more—it’s not over. Shortly following each flash of light is a rumble so big and powerful. Sometimes it roars and other times it just softly echoes throughout the earth. The loud crack can sometimes be scary and surprising, but to just think of how beautiful. As the earth soaks in all the rain, it is satisfied. And the trees sway freely in the intense wind of the storm as if they were dancing amongst the rain…celebrating in the storm. The sound is like peace unto my ears as the rain falls, the wind blows, and the glorious thunder rumbles like a disturbance amongst all the worldly distractions. People pause and listen to what mother nature has in store for them tonight. It’s almost as if time has stopped, where all pause to watch and listen to creation’s song. In all of its force—God shines through yet again. This time putting on a show that most people don’t know they’re watching. And as the storm rolls out, the rain trickles and the thunder rumbles off in the distance—the light flashes every so often, and I sit and watch at such vast beauty. Even though on the outside the storms may be raging and the rain may be crashing—on the inside, I sit in silence and peace. For I know someone’s in control of the storm—and I couldn’t control it if I tried. I find joy in watching the trees dance amongst the rain. Even as the thunders roar they become carefree and hopeful as the heavens rain down upon them. I persevere and desire to be like that tree, every time a storm crosses my path. To stand firm and rooted in knowing my God has control. Tonight He chose to conduct such a storm for His own reasons, just as He does in our lives. But no matter how fierce the storm or how strong the winds—I will stand firm in knowing Someone bigger, Someone greater, and Someone better conducts the storms of my life. And better yet—He knows what He’s doing and has a plan in mind for every storm that hits. My job is to be just like that tree—to dance freely in the midst of the storm.

Monday, March 5, 2007

Love Letter From the King

My Princess...

I know your heart, and I know how much you love those close to you. I am your Creator and the Giver of every good gift. I have given you loved ones to share your life with. But you, My child, must remember that those you love ultimately belong to Me--not to you. I didn't give you those special relationships to tear you apart or to control you through fear of the future. Like Abraham did with his only son, Isaac, I need you to open your heart and give back to Me those you love, Trust Me with everything that concerns you regarding them. Place your hand in Mine, and I promise I will walk you--and your loved ones--through all things this life brings.


Your trustworthy King